The Osrs Efficient Ironman Guide will help you achieve your goals. In order to avoid wasting time or experience, the quests are arranged in a chronological order.
It is the fastest method to get the barrows gloves as an ironman in OSRS.
This guide will prevent you from ever having to use more skills than you need to. It will guarantee that you will never have to.
As well as regular ironman accounts, this guide is suitable for ultimate ironman and group accounts.
Oziris’ blueprint will provide us with the foundation for the Ironman Efficiency Guide. The experienced OSRS player Oziris is known for his speedy ironman pastebin. In addition to adding some extra information, we added our own insights as well to make the guide more user-friendly. Furthermore, we have added direct links to SlayerMusiq1’s Quick Guides for each quest, in addition to OSRS Wiki links.

This Ironman Guide Will Help You Perform At Your Best
If you follow along step-by-step, this efficiency guide will work best for you.
It will be easier to keep track of quests when they are color-coded.
During your travels around Gielinor and gathering resources, you’ll be doing a lot of quests. The steps in this efficiency guide are easy to follow, so you won’t miss anything. You only need to complete the quests marked ‘start and finish’ right away. Orange will be the color of such quests, and a link to a YouTube Quick Guide (Slayermusiq1) will always be provided.
Also check: Recipe for Disaster Osrs
Use the CTRL + F key combination to navigate this guide. Use the CMD + F key combination on Mac.
You can take a break at different checkpoints in this Guide. They are distinguished by the tag [CHECKPOINT].
Furthermore, you can keep track of your progress with the numbers on the left. To easily return to the exact step you were just in, write down the steps number on your phone or piece of paper.
An Effective Ironman Guide: Part 1
Wintertodt will be the first requirement we focus on in the early phases. The loot and cash will be valuable for quests and will go a long way in advancing our cause. Along with that, we will work on completing some early game quests and get the Ardougne Cloak 1.
- 1 Starting as a female character is a must (it’ll help you during Recruitment Drive).
- 2 You must speak with the Ironman Tutor before leaving tutorial island in order to become an Ironman.
- 3. Get more runes from the Mage Tutor by dropping other runes. Each time you pass him, you’ll pick up the dropped ones again (obviously). The process repeats every 30 minutes.
- 4: Talk to Father Aereck and begin the Restless Ghost Quest.
- 5. Talking with Veos at the Sheared Ram Pub, 5 Start X marks the spot
- 6. Run to the Castle and collect everything spawned in the kitchen (knife, bowl, pot, jug) and cellar (boots, cabbage). Make sure the jug is filled with water, too.
- 7. Rune Mysteries can be started on the first floor by speaking with Duke Horatio
- 9 Light up the logs found behind the bank until 15 firemaking (61 logs altogether). You will find new logs each time you hop between worlds. You must pick up 4 ashes and 7 logs for bank storage (quest requirement).
- 10 Make 1000 arrow shafts by fletching logs with a knife. You will need 67 logs in all.
- 11 Pickpocket men/women in the basement until you reach level 5 thieving with your GP, Air Talisman, and runes you obtained in the bank. If you need food, you can pick up cabbage spawn.
- If you’re a cluehunter, you’ll need a spade (or you’ll find one for free in the swamp shed).
- A steel axe (200gp) can be purchased from Bob’s Axe. You can find a clue near the [Location] store.
Explore the castle at Lumbridge for clues - Get the meat by killing a Giant Rat behind the Lumbridge castle (a safe spot is possible).
16 Talk to Father Urhney in the Lumbridge swamp. You’ll be given the Ghostspeak amulet to wear (equip it). - The spawn points are east from Father Urhney’s house. Pick up 5 swamp tar on the way.
- 17. Sedridor is in the basement of the Wizards tower. Give him your Air Talisman there. You will receive a package of research.
- Draynor Village is at the end of the cluehunter run. You need to remove four tiles from the plant before the wheat field [Location] to find the next clue.
- Pick up two pieces of cheese from Aggie’s house (the witch). Use fast spawns by jumping between worlds.
For the cluehunter, dig up the Ancient Casket (2 tiles north of the fence) at the pig pen in the Draynor market. - The X Marks the Spot quest requires that you speak with Veos on the docks in Port Sarim. Remember to keep your XP lamp!
- Get a Snape Grass in the Hobgoblin Peninsula toward the west.
- Talk to the Squire at the castle in Falador to begin The Knight’s Sword quest.
[CHECKPOINT 1] Teleport to the Clan Wars zone using grouping teleport (by using the grouping teleport feature). After you regenerate your run, teleport back to the Clan Wars zone. - Get 2 iron bars in Lvl 18 Wilderness (world hop) by heading west through the barrier and running north-west.

- In the Ferox Enclave, use the green portal to teleport to Castle Wars. Whenever possible, teleport to Castle Wars using Clan Wars to replenish your run energy.
- 28 Be sure to run towards Yanille. As part of the Ardougne Diary, visit the hunter shop and talk with a salesman.
- 29 Get a pie dish at the cooking store.
Clue Hunter Dig up the Clue Hunter Cloak. [Place]
At the general store, purchase one swamp paste in Port Khazard. - 30 Do the Monk’s Friend Quest (Quick Guide) as you walk towards the monastic complex (conserve your energy).
- 31You’ll receive 13 Woodcutting after completing the quest. To get to 15, just chop some trees.
- Until you achieve 35 Woodcutting, chop down oak trees by Ardougne Zoo. Your tinderbox can also be a Firemaking level-up device, so burn all the logs with it.
- Get to level 20 thieving by stealing cake from the stall at the Ardougne marketplace. Then, bank the bread you get for quests and the cakes for food.
- 36 Follow this by stealing silk until your thieving level reaches 25. Put the silk in your bank! Keep some for quests, and then sell the rest later.
2 CHECKPOINTS - 37 Start and complete the Sheeps Herder Quest with 100gp and a spade you can find at the bank. After completing the Ardougne Diary, pray at the altar as part of the process.
- 37 Begin and complete your quest for the Sea Slugs. During the Ardougne Medium Diary quest, fish shrimp for Shrimp. Complete the Sardine quest (for Gertrude’s Cat) by purchasing the full inventory at the fishing shop. 38 The number of fishing items has been increased to 24.
- Take the Silk inventories back to Ardougne and begin selling them to the silk trader. Ten silks are kept for quests (negotiate 120 rather than 60).
- 39 Take your silk money to the Estate Agent and buy a house.
- 40 In X Marks the Spot on Construction, use the XP lamp once you have an entire house.
- 41 In the Ardougne general store, purchase 30 balls of wool, 7 papyruses, 2 ropes, and 1 vial pack.
- Navigate to the north. Pick up some Cluehunter gear along the way. It is two tiles to the southwest of the oak tree.
- You can purchase Greenman’s ale at Rasolo. Visit the Wandering Merchant located west of the Fishing Guild to buy it.
- 45 Complete the Dwarf Cannon Quest as far as you can until you need to journey to the Ice Mountain.
- 45 Travel north to Barbarian Assault. Get 130 planks (almost 5 inventories) at the bank (using the deposit box) just north of the agility course.
- osrs barcrawl Speak with the Guard to start Alfred Grimhand’s Barcrawl.
In Barbarian Assault, you can unlock the Barbarian Assault Teleport after completing the tutorial. - You will need to go through the Gnome Maze once you start Waterfall Quest. (read the book!)
- You can buy a drink at Blurberry in the Gnome Stronghold for the Bar Crawl. It is located on the first floor of the Grand Tree.
- You then need to purchase the following items from Heckel Funch: 1 cocktail shaker, 1 cocktail glass, 1 dwellberry, 1 pineapple, 1 orange, 1 bucket of milk, 2 lemons, and 1 chocolate dust
53 Go to the third floor and buy 1000 bronze arrow tips from Gulluck and Sons. Do not buy more than 100 per world. - 53 Complete your quest for Plague City. 15 mining points have been earned.
You now have the Ghostspeak Amulet, gain coins, and can travel to Varrock. - 54 Complete the miniquest Daddy’s home. Purchase 500 bronze nails from the Sawmill operator while you are there (Quick Guide)
- The Clan Wars grouping teleport was added to OSRS Grouping Teleport. You can teleport to the castle wars by going through the green portal after restoring your energy.
- Run toward the Teak Tree situated south-west of Castle Wars with a tinderbox and your steel axe.
- Fire up the fires for Wintertodt until you reach level 50 by cutting down the tree and burning the logs.
The ghost of Lumbridge can be talk to by teleporting to it and visiting the cemetery in Lumbridge. The ghost is otherwise called the restless ghost. - Head to Draynor village. Purchase the Chronicle and some page scrolls in the marketplace from Diango (this will enable you to travel to Varrock).
- The Fishing shop in Port Sarim has 1000 feathers for sale, so run towards Remmington on your way.
Train construction up to level 20 in Remmington by going into your house. If you want to un-note your planks, you can use Phials in the General Shop next door. - Talk to Veos about traveling to Great Kourend (for Wintertodt) after you return to Port Sarim.
- Make bronze arrows as you walk from Wintertodt to Wintertodt. Fletch your shafts and tips as you go. Once you reach level 15, you will be able to flych your shafts and tips.
- The final piece of the clue hunter can be found on your way to Wintertodt. [Location]
Checkpoint 4 for wintertodt OSR

- Try to make 200k cash from loot boxes by playing the Wintertodt Minigame. You should also train your fletching to 22 while you are there (wear your cluehunter gear so you stay warm). Twelve magic logs will also be needed for Desert Treasure. In case you are staying at Wintertoft after 200k, you should not open more loot boxes because the loot potential will increase with your skills, so you will want to keep them for later.
- Log in to your Lumbridge home using the Lumbridge teleporter. The mage tutor can give you more runes if you put your runes in front of him.
- You can purchase 3 buckets in the general store for 70 gold.
- Take the path to Fred’s Farm on the north side.
- You will need to use Wind Strike to kill the chicken. Grab the raw chicken from the ground. Take the egg with you as well.
- Pick up the meat from a cow calf after it’s been killed.
- Get 3 buckets of milk from the dairy farm north of town.
- Follow the directions to Barbarian Village (pass Draynor Village on the way east) to find the Dwarven Mines. Ask Nulodion for assistance. As well as the Dwarf Cannon quest notes, he will also give you a cannonball mount.
teleport with your Chronicle to varrock teleport to Varrock with your Chronicle. Go north-west until you reach Gertrude’s house. - To get started on Gertrude’s cat quest, grab Doogle and leave behind her house.
- You need to go to the bank. Doogle Leave is the perfect time to use a sardine.
- Varrock Square has some kids you can talk to. Once Romeo and Juliet start, you can speak with them.
- You can begin Demon Slayer by speaking with The Gypsy.
Then you can meet Sir Prysin at the castle. - If you want the Knight’s Sword, you must then visit Reldo in the castle’s library.
- Get your first Demon Slayer key by going to the Western tower and talking to Captain Rovin.
Pour a bucket of water in the outside drain to obtain the second key in the kitchen. Fill the sink with water before pouring the bucket into the outside drain. Using this method, the sewers beneath Varrock will be flushed. Collect the rusty key from the sewers on the western side. - You should buy a newspaper from Benny at Varrock Square. Next, you’ll need a fire staff from Zaff, and then you’ll need gloves and a pink skirt from the clothing shop.
From the crate at 87 East (near the three prison cages) purchase a rotten tomato from the Achievement Diary logo on the map. - Drink a drink for the Barcrawl at the Varrock Pub. Get four beers afterwards.
- Make your way to the Rune Shop and give Aubury’s package of research. After you trade him, buy 100 fire runes (1 pack), 300 earth runes (3 packs), 300 water runes (3 packs), 8000 air runes (80 packs), and 4000 mind runes (40 packs). Find the best price by hopping worlds.
- The notes will be given to you once you have all the runes.
- You can get drink for the Barcrawl at the bar north of Varrock.
- 93 Make a regular plank from a dying tree near the Varrock sawmill for the Varrock diary
- I recommend going to the lumberyard to find Gertrude’s cat. When the message ‘maybe the cat is thirsty’ appears, pick up the cat and feed her milk. Whenever the cat seems to be ‘hungry?‘hungry?‘hungry? ’ feed her with seasoned sardines. You can try to pick her up again, but she will not cooperate. You must descend the ladder. Next, you have to find the kitten. One of the crates has a kitten with a ‘MEW!‘MEW!‘MEW! Using it on the kitten once you have retrieved it will allow it to go home by itself (Follow the Quick Guide if you are unsure what to do).
- To begin the Natural History quiz, run to the Varrock Museum and speak with Orlando Smith. The answer will be told to you by Runelite if you have it. With 9 hunters and 9 slayers, you will be done.
- The mine can be reached by running towards it. This mine contains four coppers and one iron ore.
- You can pick 16 redberries from the bush just west of the mine and one cadava berry. Jump between worlds to grab them.
- Using a chronicle to teleport to Varrock will get you back to Gertrude quickly so you can complete the quest.
Juliet’s house is located north of Gertrude’s north of Gertrude’s house for Romeo and Juliet. - Then go to Edgeville. In the wildy, talk to one of the zammy mage to begin the Abyss miniquest. There is a small river running through the woods.
- To get 13 magic, safely spot some barbarians in the Barbarian Village.
- Visit the helmet shop in the village and purchase a bronze med helm.
- Pick up and burn one cooked meat from the bar table.
- Take the meat of a bear from the woods before the barbarian village to the north-west. Choose an area with trees to hide.
- Get a drink for the barcrawl from the pub in Falador and run to the barcrawl. You can also purchase 5 wizard mind bombs.
- You must then purchase 8 Woad Leaves from Wyson the gardener in Falador Park. You can buy two leaves at a time for 20gp.
- Walking to Taverly and speaking to the boy will begin the Witch’s House quest. Search the pot beside the door for the key before going over to the house. Take a look at the diary on the table. The magnet can be found in the cupboard in the basement (make sure you have gloves). Return upstairs and head for the garden. Put the cheese in the mouse hole (but don’t eat it). You can unlock the door to the garden by attaching the magnet to the mouse. Make your way to the shed in the back and grab the key under the fountain. If the witch sees you, you’re doomed, you’ve done this before. You need to take the ball. Using fire strike, kill the shapeshifter (safespot is available after the first two phases). Finish the quest by giving the ball back to the boy outside. Avoid getting caught by the witch on your way out.
- Start and Finish Druidic Rituals in the Druidic Circle (Quick Guide) 110
Taverly is a great place to purchase a pestle and mortar and a pack of eyes of newts. - Purchase three pots of flour at Wydin’s food store in Port Sarim. In case your burnt meat is forgotten, you can buy raw beef here.
- By using a bucket of water on a pot of flour, you can make Pastry Dough at the Port Sarim shooting range. Place the dough into a pie plate and serve. It can be cooked on the stove. If it burns, just do it again.
You should pick up one of the security books from the guard at the jail in Port Sarim while you are there as part of the Falador journal. - Walking towards Remmington. Pick an onion at the farm patch on the way. Talk to the Witch and start the potion. After that, kill a rat next door for its tail in the shed next door. Finish off the quest with the Witch.
Now, get the redberry pie from Thurgo so he can complete the Knight’s sword quest.
118 Mine two blurito ore from the dungeon near Thurgo’s shed, one of which is required for Falador Diary.
Take the squire back to Falador castle and speak with him again. If Sir Vyvins is watching you, sneak into Sir Vyvins’s room and steal his portrait. - Go back to Thurgo and finish the Knight’s sword quest by going back to the Squire. Your smithing skill now stands at 29.
- To get to Al Kharid, you can use the Lumbridge home teleport. Domik’s crafting store is open for business. Buy 50 thread, 3 needles, and one mold from the vendor.
- You will start Prince Ali Rescue by speaking with Hassan in the palace. You will exit by speaking with Osman.
- In checkpoint 8, with the exception of coins, bank everything. Then climb up to the Shantay Pass.
You should purchase a full inventory of bronze bars in anticipation of future quests. - Next, buy an outfit for desert use and equip it. Then buy a santay pass and some waterproofs.
- Irena will tell you how to start the tourist trap if you go through Shantay pass. Speak with the mercenary captain in the mine camp south-west of you. The mercenary captain will attack you after you speak with him. Standing North of the mercenaries, you can get a safespot from him by speaking to one of them. After killing the captain, you’ll get the key. Take your weapons off and enter the mine camp. You can exchange outfits with the male slave by going to the east. Head to the north of the Mine Door and enter. Make your way through the mines and speak to the guards there. Run west towards Bedabin camp after leaving the mining camp. Approach the red-striped tent to speak to Al Shabim. You will receive a key from him. Make your way back to the mining camp. Enter the building and go upstairs. There is a bookcase in the corner of the room on the south-western side. Ask Captain Siad for help. Grab the plans from the chest. Make your way back to Al Shabim. Your plans can be used on the anvil at the Northern tent in Bedabin. Your feathers should be fitted with the prototype dart tip. Speak with Al Shabim about it. You’ll be given six bronze darts and a pin. Talk to the guards again at the mine. The guards will let you pass. Pick up a barrel behind the cart from the barrels. Check the minecart for additional barrels. Take your barrel and use it on Ana after you’ve travelled with the minecart. Use the barrel of Ana on the mine cart to return to the mine cart. Afterward, you can travel back by searching the minecart. Ana can be found by searching the barrels once more. Take Ana with you on your winch bucket. To use the Winch Operator, head back to the camp in the south-western corner. Ana is hidden behind the barrel. To use the winch, use the barrel from Ana on the cart. You will need to speak with the driver. Once on the cart, you may use the winch. You can complete the quest with Irena. Click here for a cheat sheet.
- Travel to Fishing Trawler using the Grouping Teleport in the OSRS
- Get the beads you need to complete the imp catcher quest by killing imps around the monastery. You’ll need the black, white, yellow and red beads.
- Fight Arena start and end. A quick guide to the beads.
- Forest Tree Gnome Village start and end. When you do Tree Gnome Village, collect Glarial’s Pebble for the Waterfall quest. Follow the dungeon ladder east and then down at the end of the maze. Look for the key in one of the crates. Run west, grab your key, and open the door to save Golrie so that you can obtain Glarials’ Pebble.
After completing the quest for the ZMI (Ourania) Altar, use the spirit tree teleport to visit Battlefield of Khazard. - Get a rune scimitar drop from a Zamorak Warrior by safespotting.
- Get some drinks for the Barcrawl at the Ardougne Pub.
- You can purchase four compost packs at Richards’ Farming Shop in Ardougne.
- The Hazeel Cult should be started and completed. Please refer to this guide for details.
- Travel by boat to Brimhaven by going to the Ardougne docks and taking a boat.
- Take part in the tribal totem quest. Click here to find out more.
- Get your drinks at the bar for the Barcrawl. Alfonse the Waiter has some food you can buy for upcoming quests.
Dwarf Cannon: Finish it. - 147 Place your runes on the Granite Tombstone of Glarial. Once you’ve done that, use your Glarial’s Pebble on the Tombstone. Enter the tomb. Equip the amulet by running west and searching the chest. You need to find Glarials’ Urn in the tomb south of you. Get the runes from upstairs and then head back downstairs. Proceed to the quest start by boarding the Log Raft. To climb the rock, use the rope. Climb the death tree with the rope. Activate the ledge. Make your way to the eastern room. To obtain the next key, search the Northernmost crate in the room. To access the Western room, use the key on the two doors past the Fire Giants. One rune must be used on each pillar inside this room. Place the amulet on the statue while it is unequipped. The Waterfall quest can be completed on the Chalace by using Glarials’ Urn. (DON’T DRINK FROM IT) (Quick Guide)
- Teleporting group to fishing trawler in OSRS.
Ships go to Veos and Port Piscarilius can then be reached. - Pushing the plough can gain you 5% Hosidius’ favor. Make sure you repair the plough with a hammer!
- Donate the Sulpherous Fertilizer in Hosidius once you have accumulated all the fertilizer. She can get them from your bank, you don’t need them in your inventory.
- Take fruits from fruit stands to raise thievery from 154 to 42. It is better to use the stall in the Eastern house instead of the one in the marketplace.
- As soon as the cook receives the Dirty Blast, start Recipe for Disaster. You will see the cut scene.
- Get 7 buckets of milk from the basement and then go upstairs.
- Get the rusty sword by pickingpocketing members in H.A.M. ‘s hideout. The robes you get will be useful later on, when you face Death to the Dorgeshuun.
160 Then, go back to Fred’s farm and pick 12 onions. - CHECKPOINT 13: Go to the Draynor Village and speak with Leela (Prince Ali Rescue).
- Talk to Morgan to begin Vampire Slayer. Grab three cloves of garlic from the cupboard upstairs.
- To acquire the Prince Ali Rescue wig, speak to Ned.
Get paste from Aggie the Witch. Give her flour, ashes, redberries, and water (give her the pot of flour, ashes, and water). - To get the Key Imprint for Prince Ali Rescue, speak with Lady Keli at the Draynor Jail.
- The dyes must be made with ingredients found on Aggie. In total, you’ll need four red dyes, four blue dyes, and five yellow dyes.
- The wig from Prince Ali Rescue should be dyed with one of the yellow dyes.
- In case of low chronicle teleports, you can purchase more from Diango.
- 161 Purchase as many birdhouse seeds as possible from Olivia.
- You need 20 bones to complete all the goblins east of the Draynor Jail.
Wizard Mizgog can be talked to about starting and finishing Imp Catcher at the Wizards Tower. - Finish Rune Mysteries by going to the basement and speaking to Sedridor.
- Grab the skull on the altar of the other room (for The Restless Ghost)
The 25 bones for Demon Slayer are to be given to Traiborn upstair. The other five bones can be obtained by killing chickens/wizards. - Send Romeo Juliet’s message (letter).
- Shop for Iron Chainbody at Horvik’s.
- A scrying orb can be obtained by speaking to the Mage of Zamora (Abyss Mini Quest).
- The Varrock Rune Shop has an essence mine. Teleport to it and back.
- Sir Prysin at Varrock Castle is the person you need to get Silverlight from.
- In case you forgot the Incantations, ask the Gypsy in Varrock Square (random for everybody).
- Finish the Demon Slayer by killing Delrith. Make sure you have food available.
- The stake for Vampire Slayer may be acquired by visiting the Blue Moon Inn Pub and speaking with Dr Harlow.
- Romeo & Juliet can be discussed with Father Lawrence at the church. Once you have the cadava potion, head to the Apothecary. After she receives it, you should give it to her. Finish Romeo and Juliet by speaking to Romeo.
- Travel to the Gnome Stronghold by using the Spirit Tree in the Grand Exchange
- Take the Scrying Orb to Brimstail to explore the essence mines (by the lake in the south west section of Gnome Stronghold).
Begin the Grand Tree Quest. - I would like to suggest that the grouping travel to Ferox Enclave and take advantage of the pool of refreshment. You may then proceed to Castle Wars (green portal).
Get a barcrawl drink from Yanille and join the Barcrawl Osrs. - Purchase the following items from Aleck’s Hunter Emporium: 2 bird snares, 2 butterfly jars and a butterfly net.
Head east and speak to Hazelmere. A bridge connects him to Yanille, which is east of him. - I would suggest that you get back in touch with King Narnode. Contact Glough afterwards. Look under the Grand Tree, and you will see the ladder.
- Go to the top of the Grand Tree to speak with Charlie (imprisoned) the next time you talk to the king.
Get Glough’s journal by going back to his house and searching the cabinet. You will get arrested if you speak with Glough again. - When you are released from jail, speak with Charlie. Once the glider is at the shipyard, take off. Enter the password: Ka-lu-min to enter the eastern gate.
- A foreman standing on the docks with a fire strike 200 feet away. Take the lumber up to Karamja and chartered a ship.
- A drink for the Barcrawl can be obtained on Karamja. Be sure to also purchase Karamjam rum!
By speaking with Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim, you can begin Pirate’s Treasure. - You can also get a drink for the barcrawl by stopping by the bar.
Pick up ten bananas at Karamja. You should then inquire about a job from Luthas. Place the bananas and rum in the crate. Talk to Luthas once more. - Take a white fishing apron to Port Sarim from the fishing store. Approach Wydin and ask for work. The food store is where Wydin is located. You can find your rum in the back room if you search the banana-filled crate. Visit Red Beard Frank to purchase the rum. You will receive a key from him.
- Transform your chronicle into a teleporter and teleport to Varrock. Take your note from the chest upstairs by using your key. Read the message from the pirate. Don’t worry about Pirates Treasure, it won’t be done right away.
- You can buy a Premade Blurb’ shot from the Blurberry Bar upstairs. Afterward, you should go to Funch’s fine groceries and purchase four vodkas and pineapple. You should chop the pineapple into chunks.
By using the Spirit Tree, it is possible to teleport to the Ardougne battlefield (Battle of Khazard).
You can begin the Biohazard quest by speaking to Elena in Ardougne. - Jerico is in the pigeon cages in the east. Follow him to the house. Find bird feed in his kitchen cupboard. Take one of the pigeon cages from behind his house.
- Follow the spirit tree back to the wall between West and East Ardougne and speak with Omart who is located at the wall. The location is marked on the map.
- Follow the spirit tree to the tower. Dispel bird food near the corner and let the pigeons fly. You will need to return to Omart for help crossing the wall. Attempt to enter the headquarters of the Mourners to the north-east. The attempt does not succeed. Squeeze through the fence behind the headquarters. Using the rotten apple on the cauldron will restore it to life. Attempting to enter again will not be successful.
- Find the doctor’s gown in the cabinet at Nurse Sarah’s house. Put it on and return to the Mourners’ Headquarters. Proceed to the western staircase. Assassinate the mourners. Open the gate with the key you found. Find the distillers of Elena.
- Get back to Elena and hand her back her distiller. The liquid honey, the ethenea, and the sulphuric broline will be given to you. Be careful when transporting these items!
- Take the boat from Ardougne to Rimmington, then go to Captain Barnaby in Ardougne. Consult with the Chemist there. You would then give Liquid Honey to Chancy, Sulphuric Broline to Hops, and Ethenea to Da Vinci. Make sure you don’t mess up!!! Return to Ardougne where you started.
- You need to bank your plague sample and touch paper at Ardougne. [CHECKPOINT 17]
- You need to have the scrying orb with you in order to go to the essence mine (Abyss miniquest). Go to the Wizard’s house.
- You can teleport to Camelot by drinking a Wizard Mind Bomb (which boosts your magic level). Merlin’s Crystal can be started by speaking to King Arthur at the castle. Sir Gawain and Lancelot should be spoken to after speaking with the king.
- Buying a candle from a candle shop in Catherby will bring you much joy. Purchase two fishing rods and a lobster pot from the fishing shop next. Afterward, board the charter ship and purchase 15 pineapples. Trader Stan’s Trading Post can be found here.
- In the compost bin near the farm patch, put the 15 pineapples. Afterward, purchase 1 compost pack and the gardening tools and place them in the leprechaun’s bag.
Once you reach Vestri, you will be able to begin the Fishing Contest quest - Then hide behind the candle shop behind the crate after talking to Arhnheim at the docks. You need to kill Sir Mordrid once you reach the keep. You will learn how to save Merlin from Sir Mordrid when you reach the keep.
- You can get the bones for the skull by killing a giant bat on the Westside.
You might want to go back to Catherby and get the insect repellent from the tiny house just south of the farming patch. Then you should take a black candle to the candle maker. Then, pick up the bucket from the flax field and head over to the beehives. Then put the bucket in one of the beehives and spray the bucket with insect repellant. Then go back to the candlemaker and pick up your black candle.
Seers’ Village bar will serve drinks for the Barcrawl.
Take the Northeast route to Murder Mystery and complete it. Please consult the Quick Guide for details.
Completing the Fishing Contest quest will end the quest. Refer to the next section for more information.233 After completing the mountain climb, descend the stairs and cross over to the other side. You can now talk to Lady of the Lake at the peninsula.
Next, you have to complete Doric’s quest. Check out our Quick Guide.
Dig up the Falador park and kill the gardener to finish Pirate’s Treasure. Here are the instructions for the final part.
Using sand and soda ash, molten five buckets of glass after completion.
Launch Black Knight’s Fortress and complete it. Refer to the Quick Guide for more information.
Recruiting drive begins and ends. Recruiting drive begins and ends.
Connect to the green portal in Castle Wars and teleport to Ferox Enclave.
To your North of Castle Wars spawn point, pick up anti poisons (1). You should have 6 anti poisons by now. You need to enter the observation dungeon.
The Observatory Quest must be completed. See the Quick Guide for details.
Teleport to Lumbridge, your home teleportation point. The restless ghost can be finished by placing the skull in the coffin after picking up the ghosts’ skull from the bank.
Begin the quest for the Lost Tribe. Until you have to go to Varrock, finish the Lumbridge portion of the quest. Please refer to the Quick Guide for more information.
Obtain the last step of the Lost Tribe Quest in Varrock.
Upon arriving at Varrock Square, buy Priest robes, boots, and gloves, and speak with the Zamorak Mage to complete the Abyss Miniquest. The magic words for Merlin’s Crystal can also be found at the Chaos Altar.Pick up the vials from the southeastern bar and continue with Plague Sample by touching the papers from the bank. You can then discuss at length with Julie in the East and Guidor in the West.
At Champion’s Guild, begin your Dragon Slayer adventure in Varrock.
You can teleport to the Battlefield of Khazard by heading north to the Grand Exchange.
Get in touch with Elena by going to her house. Lastly, complete the Biohazard by going to King Lathas.In Ardougne Easy Diary, complete the remaining steps. In Ardougne’s flying horse inn, you can get the Ardy cloak for two pints. Turn on Agility using Experience lamp.
You must complete Jungle Potion. Refer to Quick Guide for details.
Starting and finishing at Shilo Village. Detailed information.
If you need to boost yourself up, drink your mindbomb (if you need it) and teleport to Camelot.
There are 260 complete Merlin’s Crystals. Talk to King Arthur to begin the Holy Grail quest. Contact Merlin again to complete the quest.
After you get the boots of lightness, walk to the temple of ikov (don’t forget the knife).
Seers’ Village is over there. Perform the diary task on the church organ.
Finish Elemental Workshop 1 and start Workshop 2. See Quick Guide for details.
At the Seers’ village bar, buy a full inventory of stews after you deposit everything except cash. You’ll go through each stew in turn.You are about to travel to Falador.Diplomacy with the Goblins. A Goblin mail can be found in a tower (Quick Guide)Lumbridge home teleport Complete the Lost Tribe by teleporting to Lumbridge.
Second Part Of The Ironman Efficiency Guide
- Start the Feud Quest by speaking with Ali Morisanne. Purchase the disguise pieces while you are there.
Remelt the silver bars. You will need to make one holy symbol and one sickle. You need to give Osman the bronze bar and key imprint after that. The name of the rescue mission is Prince Ali Rescue program. - The Feud must be finished. Your thieving stats have now increased to 45. To unlock Ali’s Rune Shop, play the Rogue Trader minigame while you’re there.
Till 50 there is thieving in Pollnivneach. - Teleport to the Ardougne Monastery by using your Ardougne cloak. Once you have reached Brimhaven, you can then take the cart to Shilo Village.
- Until you have reached level 32 crafting, use the furnace to make molten glass.
- The fishing shop will sell you 25k feathers.
- Get 58 if you’re fishing for salmon and trout. You can bank your fish and cook them later. P.s. Raising cats for 200 death runes each while fishing is a good idea. Once you’ve finished with Evil Dave, make sure you keep one cat.
- The Minigame Teleport Menu can be used to travel to Burthorpe’s games room.
- If you want to cook the salmon later, keep the trout.
- 281 Teleport to Barbarian Assault (Teleportation Menu in Minigame)
Barbarian fishing will give you 50 agility. Once you reach 74 fishing, you should be good to go. - Take the Rogue’s Den outfit from Burthorpe’s games room by teleporting back. You can regain running energy by cooking 2 salmon between runs. While you are there, pick up 50 lockpicks.
- You will have 2.4 million GP when you complete Pollnivneach and Blackjack. Upon completion, you will also increase your thieving skill to 83.
- Alternative methods of making money are possible, but thieving is recommended since hard diaries require 75 thieving anyway.
- To speed up the quest, you can bring dueling rings. Enchant a level-2 emerald ring with cosmic runes from Ali’s Rune Shop using cosmic runes (craft emerald ring)
- The Golem quest can be started at Uzer and must be completed there.
The quest involves the following steps. - Find the bookcase in the exam centre and start Elemental Workshop 2. Then, take the 2 items to the bank (read the beaten book and store them in the bank).
- The Uzer teak tree must be cut, five clay must be mined, and the Golden Warbler bird (desert phoenix) caught for desert diaries is to be captured.
- You need to travel to Edgeville to find Oziach for Dragon Slayer.
- Utilize the lever to traverse the Mage Arena Bank in the Wilderness.
Six thousand Nature Runes.
Three hundred Law Runes (hop 10 worlds each)
plus as many comic runes as possible
For hard-core Ironman accounts, Ali Morrisane is another option; however, it will cost more.
Checkpoint 24: Teleport to Falador - You can buy adamant and rune pickaxes at the dwarven mines by using the Falador entrance.
You can get the chest piece by completing the Varrock easy diary. - Please talk to Historian Minas on the second floor (1st floor for those of you in the UK) about kudos requirements
for using museum lamps on Heritage
– Use an agility lamp - To mine 2300 iron ore, teleport to the monastic complex in Ardougne and extract them. Run toward the bank as you heat them up.
3 ticks of mining will help a lot here.
A Guide to Ironman Efficiency: Part 3
As we progress through part 2, we will be able to unlock fairies rings, get 43 prayers, gain access to Miscellania, and earn money by thieving.
- The Varrock swordshop has bronze swords for sale. Those who completed Horror from the Deep will receive a bronze sword.
- Lowe’s Archery Emporium sells a regular shortbow and an oak longbow.
- We use Varrock anvils to make 3 bronze wires.
- Speak with King Roald in the castle to start the priest’s quest in Peril.
- Order 400 steel nails from the Sawmill Operator.
- 302 Talk to the Odd Old Man at the Sawmill and begin Rag and Bone Man by running east.
- In the Priest in Peril chapter, finish the quest. Refer to the quick reference guide for further instructions.
- Finish Nature Spirit quest. Refer to the quick reference guide for further instructions.
- As part of the achievement diary, restore prayer at the Nature Grotto after your quest
- Rufus’ Meat Emporium in Canifis offers raw shark for sale.
- Starting and finishing of Creature of Fenkenstrein. Detailed instructions.
- You will be teleported to the Champions’ Guild to fight the Dragon. You can ask all your questions to the Guildmaster there. Purchase a coif, green leather chaps, and a pair of vambraces while you are there.
You can obtain their bones by killing the rams, bears, and unicorns around the Champion’s Guild. Rag and Boneman need bones from these animals. - Transport to Camelot.
- Get the bones south of Catherby by killing a giant bat. This is Rag and Boneman.
Work on Elemental Workshop 2. - Kill one elemental from each group while you are there.
- lumbridge home teleport Home teleport to Lumbridge
- The anti-dragon shield for Dragon Slayer can be found on the first floor of Duke Horacio.
Die in battle, killing any goblin you find. Rag & Boneman - Get the big frog leg by killing a big frog in Lumbridge Swamp caves. Take the giant rat bone from a giant rat by killing it. See Rag & Boneman for more information.
In Lumbridge Swamp, launch Lost City. - Follow Draynor Manor to the result.
Play Ernest the Chicken to the end. See the guide here for more information.
While you’re there, finish Vampire Slayer. - Pick up the Draynor Skull for Fairy Tale part 1 by digging by the grave in Draynor Manor.
Then go to Entrana. - Continue the Holy Grail conversation with the High Priest in the church.
The Lost City mission is completed. Make two staffs with at least five dramen branches. Please refer to the quick guide. - RUN TO THE DRAWNOR VILLAGE MARKET.
Play through Fairytale Part 1.
A list of potential items (random for everyone) can be found HERE. - If you want to safespot Tanglefood, you can do so HERE.
- After this, speak once more with Martin the master gardener about starting Fairytale part 2. You will be scolded and told to wait for the crops to grow.
- If you are in Draynor Market, get 35 jugs of vinegar from Fortunado while you are there. (for Rag and Bone Man one and two)
- Draynor Seed market: Buy 3 cabbage seeds, 3 onion seeds, and 1 marigold seed.
- Begin Evil Dave subquest. If you don’t already have a cat, consider getting one.
- To make leather, kill two cows and make one soft leather and one hard leather from their hides.
Smelt 1 gold inventory from Wintertotd that you should have received. In case you did not receive any gold, mine some in the Al Kharid mine. - A recoil ring can be made from gold bar + sapphire and Lvl-1 enchantment with cosmic and water runes
10 gold bars, sapphires, Lvl-1 runes, and gold bar necklaces
Build 17 dueling rings with gold bar, emeralds, and Lvl-2 enchants: cosmic and air - Contact Martin for Fairytale part 2 (the crops should be growing by now).
- You can unlock the fairy rings by following the steps below.
- Go to the shed in Lumbridge Swamp to pick up your dramen staff and travel to Zanaris.
Turn right (towards the bank) and go west. - Make your way to fairy Nuff’s grotto (just north of the bank)
Get the healing certificate from the shelf, study it, then head to the bank.
– Speak with the fairy chef. You will find her to the south of the bank. - Follow the signs on the wall of the rune temple to the east towards the cosmic rune altar
, and then speak with the Fairy Godfather (1,2,1) - Talk to Fairy Fixit near the wheat field.
The diary tasks may require travel to BIS, AIR, ALS, CIR, and DIS
Teleport to the house and complete the Melzar’s Maze section of Dragon Slayer. For detailed instructions, see the Quick Guide. - Go through the door with the dragon portrait and kill the rat with Long Tail (drops the red key).
Go through the second northeast door, climb up the third floor and kill the ghost wearing just a hood without a cape (drops the yellow key)– defeat the skeleton using ROUND shield (yellow key) and climb down three ladders from the door on the southwestern corner– eliminate any zombiesA blue door (east) needs to be opened
The purple key is dropped by Melzar’s mage, so kill it and go through the purple door
Take refuge in the southeastern corner of the purple door after killing the demon
The map piece can be obtained by going through the green door and opening the chest
Take Wormbrain to Port Sarim Jail and kill him. You’ll find the second piece of the map there. You can get it via telegram.
Follow the docks to Klarense (4,1) and talk to him. Climb on board, go down, and fix the hole.Travel to Falador.
Use the Potter’s wheel to create an unfired bowl in the Barbarian Village.
You must visit Ice Mountain next to Edgeville in order to speak with the Oracle. Once you have the final piece of the map, you can talk to the Oracle. Stop watching after watching (Quick Guide)
Walk to the entrance to the dwarven mine, and then run to the southeast to find the hidden room.
Utilize Wizard’s mind bomb, unfired bowl, silk, and lobster pot to get past the doorand collect piece 3 of the map
Take the three pieces of the map and put them togetherGo to Draynor Village and ask Ned to be your captain by teleporting to Lumbridge. He will ask for three pieces of jewelry.
Prepare for Elvarg by taking 351 Bank. I strongly advise you to take your Antifire Shield with you, noob.Make sure you have food and runes.(Quick Guide on how to defeat Elvarg)
Take the gangplank to Ned on the boat in Port Sarim and speak with himTo get to the dungeon on Crandor, head to the center of the island (it is in the middle of the island).Enter Elvarg’s room now but run south first!
For a diary entry, run all the way down to the southern door and open and close it– Kill Elvarg by going into his room.
Complete the dragon slayer by bringing his head to Oziach in Edgeville.If you buy a green d’hide top while you’re there, you’ll save money)Your next step will be to sample them to Evil Dave.
You may want to try one spice color first and add it to a stew before feeding it to Evil DaveHe needs more of that color if he says (all the spices are wrong)You will know that the amount of spice is correct if he says (one of the spices is correct; the rest are incorrect). Keep that in mind.
Make the stew until it is the right consistency and feed it to Evil Dave.Teleport to Lumbridge from your home
The stew should be sent to Evil Dave in Lumbridge. Avoid eating it.Death to the Dorgeshuun should be started and finished. Make sure to keep the buttons if you find them in the H.A.M hideout.Completing the project:
The purchase of a Dorgeshuun Cbow and 4,000 bolts from Nardok’s bone weapons is requiredMiltog sells bullseye lanterns (empty)
Swamp tar can be used to cover Miltog’s lamp still and your empty lantern for the still behind Miltog.As you complete Holy Grail (Quick Guide) you will need to complete some diary steps:Galahad will make you a cup of teaThe log should be crossedWork at the coal trucks to mine coalTo see the moss giants in Karamja, take a rope swing
North Brimhaven Gold Mine: mine goldThe checkpoint at 30
Starting and finishing Horror From the Deep (Quick Guide) Document what you do during these steps:Take a lap around the Barbarian agility course
Until you have 37 ranged and 18 slayer, go to Turael and get slayer tasks from him. Equip your Doreshuun crossbow.(Get 10 tasks from Vanaka each week)
To get the Mithril, kill Tree Spirits until you get 1 fairy ring. For Animal Magnetism, you need a mithril axe. The longer you camp, the better your chances of finding another mithril or higher axe to train your woodcutter skills.Begin and finish the Animal Magnetism unit. See the Quick Guide for more information.
For the Underground Pass, you must buy Mithril Platelegs (Al Kharid) and Mithril Platebody (Varrock)Finish and Start Spirits of the Elid. An Administrative Guide.Point 31 on the checklist
Passes for the Start and Finish of the Underground. After the quest is completed, give 200k to the Dark Mage to upgrade your Iban Staff.
As you train slayer with Turael’s tasks, raise your attack level to 50.
The amulet of Magic requires gold bars, sapphires, wool, and an enchantment rune of cosmic/water level 1
To collect dragon bones for 43 prayers, kill Blue Dragons with Iban’s blast.
Based on 36 prayers after Ghosts’ Ahoy, you’ll need 89 bones if you’re using Ectofunctus or 72 if you’re using the Chaos altar.
You can use the prayer calculator to make your own calculations.
For the Watchtower quest, you will need one dragon bone.The fishing trawler can be teleported to Port Khazard by using the minigame teleportation.
A bucket of slime can be purchased from Trader Stan’s Trading Post (needed for Ectofuntus).
Don’t forget to buy nine pots if you don’t have nine already.
Calculate how many prayers you need using the prayer calculator.
There is an amazing guide by Wild Mudkip on how to buy slime, set up your bank, and run on the Ectofuntus.A chartered ship to Port Phasmatys
Start Ghosts Ahoy by talking to Velorina.
Get the Ecto tokens by grinding nine dragon bones and offering them. The Mudkip Guide is an excellent resource if you are a first-time user.
This is the complete version of Ghosts Ahoy. Here’s how to get started.
Using the remainder of your dragon bones, do the ectofuntus until you have 43 prayers.
The 33rd checkpoint is
Monkey Madness: How to Start and Finish (Quick Guide)
Attack and defend with the reward
Looking for 380 starters and finishers! See the quick guide for details.
Go back to Turael Slayer Master to grind 40 slayer. During every tenth task, switch to Vannaka.A quick guide to starting and finishing Shades of Mort’ton
[CHECKPOINT 34] Get 25 herblore points.The Fremennik Trials Quest (Quick Guide) should be started and completed.
The Throne of Miscellania: How to start and finish (Quick Guide)
This is a quick guide on how to start and finish Royal TroubleTake control of 750k gp by completing checkpoint 35. Place 10 maple trees and 5 herbs there.
This guide by CacPlaysRs is a good starting point for those using the Kingdom of Miscellania for the first time. There is also a wiki page for more information.
If you want 100% approval rating, be sure to check every day.
Take 525k GP from your kingdom and use blackjack thieving (or another means of making money).You can make a digsite pendant by completing 389 clean finds at the Varrock museum.Make sure you give the archaeologist the clean necklace.
For those who have never done this before, here is a guideCollect the following information:
Display case 45 displays Old Coins
Coins from ancient times (display case 44)
This is a display case featuring the Ancient Symbol (display case 37).
This case explains Symbols (display case 36)
In case 22 you will find pottery (display case)
To get 10 kudos per display case, place them in the listed cases.
Starting and finishing the Bone Voyage. An easy guide.
Set up birdhouses after completing the quest. Refer to this guide for details.
For passive hunter experiences, run a birdhouse every 50 minutes. Eventually, we’ll have a digsite pendant.
The Tears of Guthix can be started and finished. A quick reference guide can be accessed here.Runecrafting experience will now be gained by doing the Tears of Guthix mini game weekly. After a few birdhouse runs, it should be your lowest skill.
Relekka can be found by teleporting to Camelot and running. Afterwards, head east until you see the dungeon and quest sign. You can gain access to Keldagrim by entering the tunnel and talking to the Dwarven boatman.Sell 2 gold ore inventories to the Blast Furnace Ore Seller in Keldagrim.
You can make multiple ruby necklaces using the furnace by using the osrs Soul Wars Teleport and taking the portal to Edgeville. The items you need are gold bars, rubies, and necklace moulds.Make Digsite Pendants and enchant them using Lvl-3 Enchant.
With molten glass, you can craft 45 items.
The address of your house must be changed to Pollnivneach. (This will make it easier for Blackjack to find you).To get 1.4M points, you need to play 398 Blackjack games. You should run the bird house every 50 minutes (or another way to make money).
- On the 7th day, remove GP from the kingdom.
4th Part Of The Effective Ironman Guide
- Take some time to steal seeds from Master Farmers in Draynor. Make sure you are wearing your Rogue outfit.
- 400 buckets of sulphurous fertiliser will get you 45% hosidius’ favor. You should then prepare meals in the Mess Hall until you have 5% favor.
- Put pineapples in all allotment compost bins (close the bins) by buying them from charter ships.
- At the Grand Tree Grocery, purchase 200 chocolate dust. Please refer to the Spirit Tree.
- You need to make energy potions. They are made from harlander potions and chocolate dust.
- Then, cultivate barley seeds in the hops patch northwest of Seers’ Village by teleporting to Camelot. Pay the farmer to cultivate the seeds. (3) It will take 3 composts.
- Complete the Giant Dwarf Quest by teleporting to the blast furnace (a mini-game teleport). Please refer to this guide for further instructions.
- Keldagrim has rubies and emeralds for sale if you need them.
- Starting and finishing The Drunken Dwarf: A Forgettable Tale. Guide (quick guide).
- Barley malt can be made from Seer’s Village and Kelda Stout can be brewed from it using a range.
- Planting jute seeds after the diary task
- Create iron dart tips on the anvil while you wait for the quest to end.
- Stout from the Dwarfs can be deposited in the bank.
- This is point 37 of the checklist
- Starting and finishing the Garden of Tranquility. (Rough Guide)
- Until the willow trees, start an enlightened journey. – Rapid Guide
- Get the falador diary by collecting six more willow branches during the quest.
- In the waiting period (5 hours) for the willow trees:
- You must complete the Ardougne Diary and start Eyes of Glouphrie in order to create and kill a swordchicken.
- Starting and finishing Tower of Life (Quick Guide)
- – Smith provides more iron dart tips. Provide quests with twenty iron bars.
- Fossil Island is the best place to mine volcanic ash. Ultracomposting requires volcanic ash. You’ll need about 2k worth.
- Run limpwurt, harlander, and ultra compost farms (store 15 super composts in Leprechaun for quest). Make the rest into ultra composts by using volcanic ash on the bins
- Supercompost 15 in leprechaun for quest, the rest in ultras
- When you have time, go on farm runs.
- Starting and finishing Temple of Ikov. Detailed instructions.
- Running around for quests and fletching iron darts
- A yew longbow will be useful for hunting implings in pure-pure environments
- This is the 38th checkpoint
- Finish the enlightening journey.
When quest is complete:
The balloon of varrock is unlocked (10 willow logs)
You should have 10 yew logs from Wintertotd to unlock the castle wars balloonHow to do that can be found here
As we work on 50 construction, we’ll be collecting items.
For quick trips to castle wars, make 10 dueling rings first. Use the grouping teleport every 20 minutes.
Go to castle wars with your best axe and prepare for battle.
Prepare 65 willow logs for the log storage next to the balloon by cutting down 65 willows.We will fly to Varrock and cut all the oak logs. At the sawmill, they will be turned into planks.You need 50 planks to build 50 units in Castle Wars.
Calculate the construction costs (using the construction calculator)
Point 39 of the checkpoint
If your home is still in Pollnivneach, move it back to Rimmington.We did the same thing for Wintertodt requirement, but we got 50 construction and we used Phials to un-note planks for us.
Tables made of oak can be made on levels 22 – 33
The ability to make Oak Larders from level 33 to 50
You might find our Ironman Construction Guide useful.
Take the farm patch from Hosidius and move your house there.
With your seed from your birdhouse runs from now on, do daily tree runs.
As you fletch more iron darts, complete the following quests:(Quick Guide) – Finding big chompy birds
This guide provides a quick overview of Rag and Bone ManGet the goldsmith gauntlets once you finish the quest to get the Family Crest (Quick Guide)
The Legend’s Quest (For Recipe for Disaster you will need vanilla pods) (Quick Guide)
A Quick Guide to Death Plateau
This guide will show you how to build Troll Stronghold (Quick Guide)Pirate Pete: A Quick Guide (RFD)
The 40th checkpoint is here
Go underwater using your Digsite Pendant by teleporting to Fossil Island. RFD Pirate Pete sells diving gear and a fishbowl helmet.
You should have 55 flitch in the longbows. Bring maple logs to fletch into maple longbows (u). In case you haven’t finished darts yet, please do so now.
Take seaweed spores underwater while you are underwater. Plant them after you have two.In case you still have some iron darts to finish, do so
You need 55 fletchings to fletch the maple logs into maple longbows (u).
Your bank must be emptied of all gems that are uncut.
Make 2 lantern lenses from leftover molten glass (also make orbs from unpowered molten glass)Don’t give up until you have 100 or more seaweed spores (after you finished the exercise).You can use this Guide to your advantage. Seaweed runs are made a lot easier with Runelite’s ‘Ground Items’ plugin.
Point 41 on the checklist
A seaweed run will now be done every 50 minutes from now on whenever a birdhouse run is done(426).Group teleport to the Blast Furnace in OSRS
A total of 2800 grams of gold ore will be purchased from Ordan. You can get the best prices by buying one inventory per world as you hop between worlds.
The blast furnace gives you 60 smithing points. Don’t forget to wear goldsmith gauntlets!Item 42 of the checklist
Purchase rubies in Keldagrim while you’re there.
You can use the Edgeville furnace to make gold bracelets out of gold bars. Make sure you have 30 bars left over for each teleportation.
The mage arena bank can be accessed via a lever in Edgeville.
If you have at least 60 magic, you should do the mage arena miniquest while you’re here.
For a high alching experience, buy 5k nature runes.
Until you have complete grace, train agility. You can achieve grace by taking Canifis. The Seer’s Village Course is the next step after reaching 60 Agility.
During agility training, make sure you grab your maple longbows and gold bracelets (u).
Whenever you run out of alchables, get more maple logs and fletch them.
This is Checkpoint 43
Regicide must be started and finished. Refer to the quest guide for more information.
Pick whiteberries during your quest
Finish The Hand in the Sand and start The Hand in the Sand. This is the quest guide.You have 438 RFD subquests to complete. Refer to the Quick Guide for Disaster Recipes.The chests contain chocolate dust that can be used to make energy potions after questing.
Achieving B Gloves And Maintaining Achievement Diaries, Part 5
- You will need toadflax seeds for the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio quest, so plant them in your herb patches on your next herb run.
- The mithril grapple can be made as follows:
- If you don’t have any mithril ore, you can buy it from the flask furnace.
- Making Mithril Grapple Tips and Mithril Bolts on the anvil — 1 Mithril Bar
- Tomithril bolts can be adorned with feathers (unf)
- The mithril grapple tip must be combined with mithril bolts
- A rope combined with Mith Grapple (unf)
- You can earn Quest Points by finishing the following quests (to get barrow gloves) and by completing Achievement Diaries:
- This guide explains A soul’s bane (Quick Guide)
- An Additional Slice of H.A.M. (Quick Guide)
A Quick Guide to Icthlarin’s Little HelperIntended for the Myreque (Quick Guide)
The 44th CheckpointThis is a short guide to Eagles’ Peak
A Quick Guide to Enakhra’s Lament
This is a quick guide to Rat Catchers
The Quest of Olaf (Quick Guide)
The 45th Checkpoint
This Quick Guide explains what it means to be between a rock
This is a quick guide to the Zogre Flesh Eaters
A Quick Guide to Rum Deals
Here is a quick guide to Cabin Fever
The 46th Checkpoint
Here is a quick guide on One Small Favour
Check out Watchtower Quest’s Quick Guide for more information.Four-fourths of the easy and medium Achievement Diaries (leave out Kourend, Wilderness, and Fremennik) should be completed.
Purchase a Dragon Scimitar from Ape Atoll once you have 60 Attack.
If you want to open the bank at Ape Atoll, you will need 100k cash. You only unlock the bank at MM2.
The 47th Checkpoint
Eadgar’s Ruse (Quick Guide) – where to start and where to end
Starting and finishing My Arm’s Big Adventure (Quick Guide)
How to start and complete Desert Treasure (Quick Guide)
If you haven’t received a lucky drop from Wintertodt, catch Nature Implings to get magic logs.
- Obtain Barrow Gloves from the chest after killing the Culinaromancer and finishing Recipe for Disaster
Those who feel grateful can make a donation to Oziris by visiting