You’ll find every method available currently in the game to reach 99 in this complete 1-99 Osrs Mining Guide. Methods such as F2P, P2P, AFK, and even tick manipulation are also available. You can navigate to your current level from the navigation below.
Expansion boosters for mining
We’ll start with some equipment that can boost your mining experience to help you level up faster.
This outfit is for OSRS Prospectors
An item is a prospector outfit when compared to a lumberjack, angler, or another skilling outfit in our.
When the full prospector set is worn, you receive a nice 2.5% exp boost just like its other skilling counterparts.
Gold nuggets are acquired passively while mining at the motherlode mine and can then be exchanged for prospector outfit pieces at the shop.
![Osrs Mining Guide [Complete and Fastest / Afk] in 2022 3 Osrs Mining Guide](https://osrslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/old-school-runescape-osrs-mining-guide-level-1-99_compressed-1024x556.jpg)
Also try this game: Osrs Making Money with fletching
In addition to the 2.5% mining experience boost, the motherlode mine (covered in this mining guide) provides excellent mining experience per hour, which makes this mining guide definitely worthwhile.
You will need 180 nuggets to complete the prospector set.
It is obvious that acquiring the full set is a no-brainer since the motherlode mine is one of the AFK mining methods that give a lot of experience/profit per hour.
Armour of Varrock in OSRS
If you wear Varrock armor, there is a 10% chance that you will mine two ores instead of one. This results in the Varrock armor being an excellent wearable mining experience booster when this happens.
The prospector jacket can be swapped out for the Varrock armor body when the full prospector outfit is worn, resulting in its abilities becoming active. Essentially, you can get the most to benefit from both pieces!
Completing the Varrock achievement diaries will grant you the Varrock body. You can choose from four different versions depending on your level.
![Osrs Mining Guide [Complete and Fastest / Afk] in 2022 4 Osrs Mining Guide](https://osrslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/osrs-mining.png)
Varrock Diary | Varrock armour 1 | 10% chance of obtaining 2 ores at once up to Coal |
Varrock Medium Diary | Varrock armour 2 | 10% chance of obtaining 2 ores at once up to Mithril |
Varrock Hard Diary | Varrock armour 3 | 10% chance of obtaining 2 ores at once up to Adamant |
Varrock Elite Diary | Varrock armour 4 | 10% chance of obtaining 2 ores at once (any ore) |
The Varrock armour is ineffective with the following ores: motherload mines, blast mines, volcanic mines, dense runestones, and gem rocks.
Mine gloves for OSRS.
Depending on the variant, the mining gloves can be acquired in the mining guild for 60, 120, or 240 unidentified minerals. A pair of mining gloves can decrease the probability of removing rock when worn.
Standard mining gloves, superior mining gloves, and expert mining gloves are all variations of mining gloves.
Gold mining gloves, superior mining gloves, and expert mining gloves are all capable of handling gold ore, reunite ore, and amethyst ore, respectively.
Below is a quick table displaying the odds of not depleting your rock supply while wearing mining gloves in OSRS.
![Osrs Mining Guide [Complete and Fastest / Afk] in 2022 5 Osrs Mining Guide](https://osrslab.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/OSRS-Mining-Guild-Iron.png)
Silver (regular) | 50% |
Coal (regular) | 40% |
Gold (regular) | 33.33% |
Mithril (superior) | 25% |
Adamantite (superior) | 16.6% |
Runite (superior) | 12.5% |
Amethyst (expert) | 25% |
Old school Runescape users can use mining gloves plus prospector armor to maximize the mining experience.
Mining Quests for Levels 1 – 33
You will have to grind a lot to achieve your first mining level. I recommend you skip these quests and take on some of the available ones instead.
The first ten levels of Doric’s Quest
don’t require much thought. The grand exchange is all you need to buy. Your level will rise to 10 mining after completing this quest, which takes less than a minute.
There are levels 10-18 in Plague City.
There are no requirements for Plague City, which is another quick and easy quest. It is also an extremely important quest since plague city is a prerequisite for the recipe for disaster quests. After you complete this quest, your mining level will increase to 18.
This dig site consists of levels 18 – 33
After you complete the dig site, you will receive 15,300 mining experience, putting you at level 33 in mining. There are some requirements for this quest, however:
- Tenth – Agility
- in 10Herblore
- Level 25 Theft
OSRS Mining Guide – How to Get 99 Mining in the fastest time
Using PowerMining
You want to use the power mining method in order to reach 99 mining as quickly as possible. In essence, it means that rather than running to the bank once your inventory is full (or when using tick manipulation), you shift-drop everything you mine.
Copper and tin mined in levels 1 – 15
The ore of copper and tin can also be mined instead of completing the mining quests above. In old school runescape, there are several mining spots for copper and tin ore, but the best one is the Varrock mine.
Rate of EXP: 10K/hr
Duration: 15 minutes
Located in the Varrock mine
It would still be much better to do quests instead.
Mine Iron ore between 15 – 75 levels
You can begin mining iron ores at mining level 15. Power mining iron ores until level 75 is the fastest way to mine per hour. If you are trying to maximize your experience per hour, only use the 3-rock locations.
Once you reach mining level 60, you can instantly mine iron ore, allowing you to gain a great deal of experience.
Rate of Expansion:
- about 30K per hour (level 15).
- About 60K per hour (level 60).
Mining guild (60 mining required), Legend’s Guild mine, Tahaearn mine (you will need to pay for this) Wilderness Resource area (7500gp to enter), Piscatoris mine, Fossil Island (Bone Voyage quest) .
If you want to mine iron ore for its hidden +7 level boost, the Mining guild is the best location for you.
Granite Quarry: 75 – 99 mining levels
Mining in old school Runescape is trained significantly faster with 3-Tick Granite. However, it can be extremely click-intensive, so not everyone will find it appealing. In contrast, lazy players who like to afk are better off going to the motherlode mine.
As the only location is in the desert, you’ll need waterskins unless you have a dessert amulet 4. Runes for the humidify spell are found in the lunar spellbook.
70 – 120K/hr EXP Rate
Location – Granite Quarry
Quarrying is undertaken in the Kharidian Desert. The activities take place east of Nardah and south of the bandit camp. Using the magic carpet, you can travel to the bandit camp and walk south from there.
Tutorial on 3-tick mining
Motherlode Mine Mining Guide for OSRS
The motherlode mine can be accessed from level 30 mining. To reach level 99 mining, this option is the most AFK. Additionally, it is the only way to obtain the pioneer kit, which gives you an experience boost of 2.5% or more. In order to get the prospector set, you should grind out 180 nuggets, even if you prefer a higher experience rate.
You can use this training method while you train other skills to work your way up to 99 or you can combine it with the 3-tick granite training method as a way to AFK all the way to 99.
Rate of Expansion: 15-50K/hr (expansion increases every 10 levels)
Hourly Profit: 40-300K
From level 30 – 99, it will take approximately 330 hours
75M profit is approximate from levels 30 – 99
Workings of a motherlode mine
There are two parts to the motherlode mine: an upper and lower level. You can access the lower level from level 30. A 100 golden nugget purchase is required for the upstairs area, which requires you to be level 72 mining.
This area consists of veins of ore that contain pay dirt, which can be mined for 60 experience each. You go to the cleaning area once your inventory is full. This method requires you to place the pay dirt into a hopper, and a water circuit takes care of the rest.
At the end of the water circuit, the clean pay dirt will be placed in a sack that can be searched for ores and nuggets. You can get adamantite ore when you reach level 70 and reunite ores when you reach level 85, both of which will increase your profit per hour.
Mining requires level 72 (upper level)
It’s even more afk here due to the ore veins lasting longer.
Placement of Motherlode Mine
Falador’s dwarven mines contain the motherlode. In order to get here quickly, you can either use a necklace with skills to teleport directly to the mining guild or teleport to Falador and run towards the party room.
Rewards from Motherlode
Golden nuggets can be exchanged for rewards at Prospector Percy’s Nugget Shop. If you have 480 nuggets, you should use them to acquire a prospector’s kit, access to the upper floors, and a larger paydirt sack.
Alternative training methods for OSRS mining
level 61 through level 99 Gem Rocks
The underground portion of the Shilo Village mine is accessible to players who have completed the Hard Karamja Diary at level 61 mining. In addition to providing nice hourly experience and profit rates, gem rocks is a good alternative for mining training.
- Exploration kit
- (teleport to the gem mine) and Kamamja 3 gloves
- enhanced glory (increases the likelihood of receiving gems)
- the dragon pickaxe
Rate of EXP:
- from levels 61 to 70: 40K/h
- from levels 70 to 80: 50K/h
- from levels 80 to 90: 60K/h
Approximately 400K-700K per hour in profit
The ability to manipulate ticks can result in experience rates up to 90K/hr at 99 mining and earnings up to 1M/hr.
Osrs locates the gem rocks.
Using your Karamja 3 gloves, you can reach the Shilo Village mine.
Volcanic Mine Level 70-99
You can access the volcanic mine minigame after reaching mining level 50 if you have completed the Bone Voyage quest. In order to get decent experience rates, you should have at least 70 mining.
There are three requirements for volcanic mines:
- Complete the Bone Voyage questline.
- At least level 50 mining (at least level 70 recommended).
- 300 Kudos recommended.
Inventory/Equipment of Volcanic Mines:
- Kit for prospectors
- with dragon pickaxes
- Items that enhance prayers (Skillcape, Blessing, etc.)
- Potions that restore prayer/super prayer
- ingredients/Sara’s brew
There are 323 volcanic mines in the world according to the official website
for Exp Rates:
- 70K/hr for levels 70-85
- 90K/hr for levels 85-99
Location of the Volcanic Mine
Levels 75 – 99 of the Blast Mine
As you reach mining level 75, you will be able to obtain runite ore from the blast mine, making it a great opportunity to earn some money and gain some decent experience at the same time.
In the blast mines, you will have to dig up rocks and stuff them with explosives. After the explosion has happened, you’ll find blasted ore near the water circuit that you can place into buckets. This works the same way the motherlode mine does.
The operator will then help you retrieve the ore. In this case, you’ll receive an experience drop, so make sure to take your prospector’s outfit from the bank and equip it before you collect to gain 2.5% experience.
The rate of experience is 50 to 75K/hr.
Hourly profit: 500K
The requirements are:
- a minimum of 30 mining (a maximum of 75 mining is recommended)
- a hundred percent in favor of Lovakengj house
- Beautiful clothes (or armor that reduces weight)
- An attack using a dragon pickaxe
- 1-4 of the Explorer’s rings (recommended)
- Potions of endurance
- Potions of explosives
- Blade
- Tiddlerbox
Location of the blast mine
Guild of Miners
Every skilling guild in old school Runescape offers a +7 level boost for members of the mining guild. Players who have reached 60 mining can access this mine, both F2P and P2P. The F2P area of the guild, however, is only available to F2P players.
The mining guild offers the following rock types for sale: Iron, Coal, Mithril, Adamantite, Runite, and Amethyst.
Location of Mining Guild
Under Falador there is a dwarven mine where the mining guild is located. By using the skills necklace, you can teleport to the south-east bank or by traveling to falador and walking there.
Experience-Giving Mining Quests
The forsaken tower | 500 | / | 20% Lovakengj favour |
Doric’s quest | 1,300 | / | / |
Plague city | 2,245 | / | / |
The Giant Dwarf | 2,500 | / | 14 thieving, 12 crafting, 16 firemaking and 33 magic |
Heroes quest | 2,575 | 50 mining | 55QP, 25 herblore, 53 cooking and fishing |
Another slice of H.A.M. | 3,000 | / | 15 attack and 25 prayer |
The lost tribe | 3,000 | 17 mining | 13 agility and thieving |
between a rock | 5,000 | 40 mining | 30 defence, 50 smithing |
Enakhra’s lament | 7,000 | 45 mining (optional) | 39 magic, 43 prayer, 45 firemaking, 50 crafting |
Making friend with my arm | 10,000 | 72 mining | 35 consturction, 66 firemaking and 68 agility |
The dig site | 15,300 | / | 10 agility, 10 herblore and 25 thieving |
Dragon slayer 2 | 18,000 | 68 mining | 200QP, 50 construction, 50 hitpoints, 70 smithing, 62 crafting, 60 agility, 60 thieving, 75 magic |
Song of the elves | 20,000 | 70 mining | 70 agility, construction, herblore, farming, hunter, smithing and woodcutting |
Overview of Mining Training 1-99
In this guide, I will attempt to explain the basics of osrs mining from 1-99.
Calculate profit and experience needed to level up by using the mining calculator. In case of any problems, you can reach out to us.