As part of my Osrs Fishing Guide for Old School Runescape, I am including level 1 – 99 fishing guides for both free-to-play and pay-to-play players. When you can catch Crabs and Sharks at high levels, osrs fishing can make you quite a bit of money.
fishing osrs has gone from being incredibly boring to being so much more enjoyable since Shift Drop’s new update lets you stay AFK and there is way less clicking involved. We’ll begin as soon as possible.
Depending on the method you use, fishing training osrs isn’t a skill that’s the fastest 99 but it can be mostly done through AFK gameplay. As part of this OSRS Fishing Guide, we will present the fastest and the slowest ways to achieve 99 fishing.
Boosting your fishing experience
We’ll start with the fastest fishing guide osrs method for reaching 1-99 fishing guide osrs and finish with the best fishing method for reaching 99. In this guide, we are mostly going to cover P2P fishing techniques, but you will also find training measures for training with fastest fishing xp osrs.
Select your fishing method and your current level using the navigation below!
As always, ensure that you are running at maximum efficiency before we look at the old-school Runescape fishing guide. The osrs barbarian fishing xp rates Trawler minigame offers an outfit that can boost your fishing experience, just like other skills.

Known as the ‘Anglers Outfit’, this outfit is used for fastest way to level fishing osrs. Having the full angler’s outfit on will boost your experience by 2.5%. As you move towards 99 fishing, this will help you a lot. The Fishing Trawler Minigame or aerial fishing will allow you to get this outfit.
Using the Anglers Outfit when fishing from level 50 to 99 will save you more than six hours. You’ll need to travel for six to eight hours to get there, so you can decide whether you think it’s worth it.
As of now, both methods are equally applicable from level 1 to 40. In Level 1-20, you’ll find Shrimp and Anchovies
In other words, shrimp or anchovies are my recommendations at levels 1 – 20. The Catherby, Draynor, and Lumbridge lakes are all good places to fish these species, and it will not take you long to acquire levels 1 through 20.
Also Try this: Osrs Agility guide
Sea Slug is a pre-requisite for the Proselyte quest, which is required for main accounts. Players who play on a pay-to-play basis have access to Sea Slug. Within about 20 minutes, you will be up to level 24 in fishing.
Captain Pie Osrs
Admiral pies can increase your fishing skill by 5, boosting it by 5. A level 63 fishing guild will be easier to get into for players than a level 68 guild.
An admiral pie is very useful in getting into the osrs 99 fishing guide guild because you can bank quickly, but most importantly you have the benefit of a +7 level boost while fishing, which will substantially increase your experience rate.
Fastest wayS to catch fish with OSRS 1-99 P2P
Fishing Shrimp/Anchovies, Levels 1-20
Fishing guide for levels 1-20 in OSR
Whenever you catch a shrimp, you can get 10 experience points per catch. The anchovies you catch at level 15 are also worth 40 experience each. The number of shrimp you will need to accomplish level 15 fishing in Osrs is 252, and you will need 206 shrimp or 52 anchovies to achieve level 20 fishing.
The following fishing equipment is used for fishing: a small net
A few good spots to fish for shrimp and anchovies are Lumbridge Swamp, Draynor Village, and Catherby (P2P).

The OSRS Fly Fishing proficiency levels range from 20 to 58
Fishing with a fly – osrs
Fly fishing becomes available to you once you reach level 20. OSRS fishing level 58 is reached in the quickest manner with this method. You will also be able to catch salmon at level 30 if you fly fish. You will gain 50 experience for each trout caught while 70 experience will be gained for each salmon caught osrs fishing xp rates.
A fly fishing rod and feathers are the equipment needed for fly fishing
The EXP rate is between 25 and 35k/h
The following areas have good fly fishing: Shilo Village (recommended), Lumbridge, Barbarian Village, Gnome Canyon.
OSRS Barbarian Fishing levels 58-99
Fishing in the barbarian territory on OSRS
You can catch leaping salmon at level 58 fishing after unlocking barbarian fishing.
When you want to get to max fishing as fast as possible, barbarian fishing is the fastest training method in old-school Runescape.
While doing leaping salmon/sturgeon fishing in osrs, no money will be earned since you will be shifting down to increase your experience rate (banking is not possible with barbarian fishing, it is too far away for it to make sense).
You will begin catching leaping sturgeons at level 70 if you are a fishing level 70 player. Salmon that leap give 70 experience points per catch, while sturgeons that leap give 80 points per catch.
You also gain strength and agility experience from barbarian fishing, making it one of the most effective ways to raise your level to max.

To fish barbarian style, you must meet the following requirements:
Leap-salmon fishery: 50 (leap-sturgeon fishery)/70 (leap-salmon fishery)
(Salmon leaping)/(Sturgeon leaping) Strength level: 30 * 45
(per striding salmon)/(per striding sturgeon) Agility level: 30
Prepare the Barbarians (ask Otto)
Heavy fishing rods are among the barbarian fishing equipment
The EXP rates are as follows:
58-70Kph with gusts up to 45Kph
70-99 k/h, 50-60 k/h
(Game necklace/minigame teleport) Barbarian fishing location: Barbarian Outpost
Anglers aged 75-99 can earn 100K/hr
$100K/hr guiding people on fishing tunas/swordfish in the osrs
off-shore region to make $200K+ per year. By using this fishing training method, you can make between 100K and 150K GP per hour.
Fishing with a dragon or infernal harpoon gives the most fishing experience per hour, as does setting up at the fishing guild for the +7 invisible level boost.
A harpoon is highly recommended (dragon, infernal, etc)
35-40,000,000 exp per hour
105K points per hour
101 fishing hours

slots: swordfish/tuna fishing guilds (skill necklaces/Camelot teleports)
Monkfish 115K/h 62 – 99 levels
The osrs guide to fishing
Monkfish is a slightly better method than swordfish and tuna for training your fishing skills. Fishing for monkfish is expected to generate 115K gp per hour in profits. Fishing tuna/swordfish is significantly less AFK.
In old-school Runescape, fishing monkfish earns you a decent amount of experience per hour, which explains why many have used this method up until 99.
The following are the requirements for monkfish fishing:
farming: Swan Song Quest (high requirement)
level requirement) EXP Rate:
rate: small net
exps of 30-40k per hour
hours: 115k gross points per hour:
a total of 362 hours of fishing to 99
The Infernal Eel can be catch at level 80 and will yield 250K/hr,
osrs fishing guide to infernal eels fishing
owners of fire capes can now catch infernal eels at level 80. A fire cape is required for entry into Mor Ul Rek’s infernal eel fishing spot.
The infernal eel can be cracked open with your hammer to get Tokkul, as well as a chance to get (1) onyx bolt tips and (5) lava shards whenever it is cracked.
You can buy items with the tokkul and then sell them at the grand exchange for a profit. This method can produce up to 250K gold per hour when you include the tokkul. This is a very AFK based mode and there are many fishing spots nearby simultaneously, much closer than with sacred eel fishing, which is why it is better training for making money in osrs by fishing.
Rate of experience: 28-35k points per hour
250k gp/hr
315 hours to 99 Points per hour 250k gp/hr

gold coins per hour Fishing gear: oily fishing rod, bait, hammer, fire gloves.
For fishing the infernal eel you will need:
Fire capes are available
(Ice queen) Ice gloves
Tzhaar City is the area where infernal eel fishing takes place. Getting here is easy
Teleporting to Karamja with a glory and then walking towards the volcano cave. For teleportation directly to Mor Ul Rek, use the fairy ring code BLP.
A level 82 anglerfish earns 361K in one hour
Method to make money fishing anglerfish on OSRS
The anglerfishing method is one of the best money-making fishing methods, and it’s very AFK. When you catch some anglerfish, you can watch some movies or play on a lore account or osrs alt account while enjoying some anglerfish fishing.
470 hours is a lot of watching movies for 470 hours of fishing in osrs.
Rate of Experiential Learning: 15-23k exp/hr
361,000 grams per hour
The 470-hour workweek
Rod and sandworms for fishing anglerfish
What you need to catch an anglerfish:
Totally in Piscarilius’ favor
Port Piscarilius is a good place to fish for anglerfish
A Level 85 to 99 Dark Crab will produce 440K per hour
Fishing for dark crabs as a way to make money on OSRS
It is advantageous to fish dark crabs as they offer good XP and money per hour, however, you can only do so at wilderness level 51. You are therefore very likely to get PKed, which will hurt your bottom line.
It’s best to treat the 440k as a grain of salt, as you could get pked before reaching the bank.
You can anti-pk the player with an alt account that has Ice Barrage at a decent level in the wilderness resource area in the same world if you happen to have one.
Each crab will cost you 50 coins at the NPCs nearby, called “Piles”. Basically, you’d be welcome to stay for as long as you like. If you want to minimize your risk, however, you should bank every now and then. For entering the area and noting your crabs, make sure you have food and money on hand.
40000 experience points per hour
440K grams per hour
Lobster pot and bait for dark crab fishing
A wilderness area is where dark crabs live
550K/hr Fishing Minnows Levels 82-99
Osrs money making with minnows
With fishing in in osrs, you can make the most money by fishing minnows. The best thing about this method is that for the same experience rate of other fishing training methods, you also get some rewards!
Minnows are not very AFK, which is the downside to fishing with them. If you want to get good experience and profit rates when fishing for minnows, you need to pay attention every 15 seconds.
There is a 40-to-1 exchange rate between minnows and raw sharks. Profits can be made from the raw sharks by selling them on the grand exchange.
Compared to fishing sharks, fishing minnows offers higher profits.
If you want to fish minnows, you must have the full fish trawler outfit to access the fishing spot. Minnow fishing can only be done at the fishing guild.