99 fletching can be reached in multiple ways. You will find a complete guide to 1-99 osrs fletching guide here, detailing the fastest, simplest, and most profitable ways to reach the top.
The fletching skill in old-school Runescape can be the fastest depending on the method you use. Player EVscape spent just three hours and nine minutes getting from 1-99 fletching! He spent more than 150M on the fletching skillcape, so you have to decide if you really want to waste money on it.
Are you interested in learning about fletching in OSRS? You’re about to learn a lot.
Boosting fletching in osrs is made easier through dragonfruit pies. They temporarily boost your fletching with four levels and cost less than 1K each at the grand exchange. This allows you to train your fletching even quicker in old-school Runescape because you will have access to higher-level bows and darts.
For the fastest way of getting 99 fletchings, Dragonfruit is recommended.
You should keep your dragonfruit pies in your inventory (when you’re firing darts) or in your bank (when you’re shooting bows) to maximize efficiency.
Fletching 99 in OSRS: The fastest way to do it
To reach 99 fletching in osrs, you need to flytch darts as much as possible.
Darts 1-99 for osrs fletching guide
In Oldschool Runescape, training your fletching skill by fletching darts from 1-99 is the fastest method. You can achieve realistic experience rates of 1/2 million per hour by using this method at 99.
Only those with the money can use this method. Unless you have at least 150M to waste, you should ignore this fletching method.
Hours: 12-18 (really)
Also Read this: Osrs Fishing Guide 2021
The world record for 1-99 fletching is held by escape. The event involves only darts and takes three hours and nine minutes.
A total of 143 million dollars was spent.
You should use a fletching calculator to determine your GP and exp since prices are constantly changing.

10 – 22 | Bronze Darts | 1.8 | 2484 | 72K/hr – 108k/hr | – 42K |
22 – 37 | Iron Darts | 3.8 | 5750 | 150k – 230K/hr | – 120K |
37 – 52 | Steel Darts | 7.5 | 12,825 | 300K – 450K/hr | – 700K |
52 – 67 | Mithril Darts | 11.2 | 37,884 | 450K – 670K/hr | – 2.8M |
67 – 81 | Adamant Darts | 15 | 109,658 | 600K – 900K/hr | – 11M |
81 – 95 | Rune Darts | 18.8 | 349,933 | 750k – 1,1M/hr | – 78M |
95 – 99 | Dragon Darts | 25 | 170,515 | 1M – 1.5M/hr | – 50M |
Total loss: | –143M |
Dragonfruit Pie and OSRS Fletching Darts
When you consume dragonfruit, your fletching level will remain at +4. In order to gain 99 quickly, using dragonfruit pies is 100% recommended for fletching training. In total, you’ll only pay an additional 3M while reducing your time by about 2 hours.
The total cost was 146 million
Time amount (depending 100 percent on your clicks): 10,5 to 16 hours (in reality).
6 – 18 | Bronze Darts | 1.8 | 1,673 | 72K/hr – 108k/hr | – 28K |
18 – 33 | Iron Darts | 3.8 | 3,875 | 150k – 230K/hr | – 80K |
33 – 48 | Steel Darts | 7.5 | 8,636 | 300K – 450K/hr | – 470K |
48 – 63 | Mithril Darts | 11.2 | 25,499 | 450K – 670K/hr | – 1.8M |
63 – 77 | Adamant Darts | 15 | 73,799 | 600K – 900K/hr | – 7M |
77 – 91 | Rune Darts | 18.8 | 235,493 | 750k – 1,1M/hr | – 52M |
91 – 99 | Dragon Darts | 25 | 285,264 | 1M – 1.5M/hr | – 85M |
Total loss: | –146M |
The alternate #2 is to fletch your mithril darts to 99
To fletch mithril darts all the way to 99 is a great alternative if fletching Adamant darts is too expensive. The mithril darts can boost your fletching level to 99 from 48 to 99 (via dragonfruit pie).
In order to get 99 fletchings, 1156,377 mithril darts must be fletched. This will take about 26 hours if you spend 500K per hour on EXP.
With mithril darts, you must pay 78M to battle 48-99 players.

The OSRS Mobile version of Fletch Darts
On OSRS mobile, you can use fletching darts to get 99 fletchings at an insane speed. Tapping is twice as fast as clicking, so you can accomplish this two-fold faster. The mechanism is quite complex and click-intensive, so it takes time to get used to. It’s not for me, but you should check it out personally if you’re interested.
You can expect to achieve these experience rates when shooting darts in OSRS mobile (90,000 darts per hour):
1M experience points per hour for mithril darts
Exp: 1.35M per hour for Adamant Darts
1.7M experience per hour for Rune Darts
EXP per hour: 2.25M with Dragon Darts
Thus, with the osrs mobile method you will have 99 fletching in less than 6 hours.
The Best Way To Become 99 At OSRS Fletching
Would you like to make some money fletching Runescape old school? It’s possible! Even with the bad experience rates, you still get quite a lot of experience! Bows can be cut or strung in this manner. You can choose either.
Many players use logs to create bows that are unstrung in order to reach 99 since it is AFK and you can make money from fletching them. As you watch a movie or work on other tasks, you can easily follow this method. Due to the high losses caused by yew short bows, we did not include them here since the experience gained is not worth it.
Osrs bow prices change rapidly so using the fletching calculator is advised to stay on top of changes.
Using bows as moneymakers #2 – Fletching
Even though stringing bows provides some experience, cutting a bow gives you a much greater amount of time to gather it. Bowstrings and unstrung bows (u) are necessary for this method, which can be obtained from the grand exchange or made by you.

Compared to cutting bows, this method doesn’t provide as much profit, but it will start from maple longbows and will produce a larger profit. There is also a significant increase in experience rates.
Those looking for a good money-making method for osrs fletching should give this a shot.